Tuesday, July 21, 2009

HOWTO: Build A Milk Crate Toilet Composter

Ugg. How normal people feel about compost heaps is how I feel about "humanure." Shudders. Although...
I bet with a slick enough marketing campaign you could market 'humanure' (although it needs a better name, like Closed Loop Plant Food - of the body for the ground) for a premium at whole foods. Or better yet, you could just get a bunch of poor people to crap in 'ecofriendly biodegradable whicker carry alls' and have a delivery service for rich, guilty people to fertilize their gardens with. Or rather, for their gardeners to deal with. Or they could just cut out the middle man, and just make sure their gardeners stop using the indoor plumbing... and let nature take its course.
Hehe, now I can't stop thinking of funny marketing names for human excrement:
Miracle Gross
Chocolate Nitrogen
Recycled Food
Chamber Pot brand Fertilizer
This Came From Someone's Butt! (tm)


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via Boing Boing Gadgets by Steven Leckart on 7/21/09

milkcratetoilet.jpg The folks at Homegrown Evolution, authors of The Urban Homestead, put together a great guide for creating one of these "humanure" Johns out of a five-gallon bucket, milk crate, seat, cable ties, and some scrap wood.

Assembly is straightforward and requires only basic tools, including a jigsaw or keyhole saw.

If you're going to try preparing poop-manure, be sure to read up beforehand.

If you're not interested in compost, this badboy could also make a fine emergency toilet.


Things you can do from here:


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