These are the current edibles in the garden:

Six roma tomatoes. They are determinate, so no staking needed. Planted two weeks ago.

Garden beans. Seeds from my mom. Planted two weeks ago, and staked last night. I can't believe how great they look after transplanted two days ago!

Dwarf lime tree.

Dwarf lemon.

Zucchini squash.

Mango tree.

Washington navel orange.

Basil plant. We were thinking about planting another batch. I've kind of noticed that if they are grown in sun, they flower faster than if planted in shade. So we'll try shade next time.

Butternut squash. Planted last Sunday. Finally sprouted. Now we are just waiting for the rest of them. I think we are only going to plant three of them. Can't wait. Mmm...Butternut squash soup. Or baked.

Brussel sprouts. Lady at nursery said to plant them in partial shade.

Current state of compost pile. Need to chop it down a bit.

Future site of blueberry bushes. Thinking about planting eggplants during this season to prepare the soil for the blueberries. Speaking of which, better get started with planting the seeds.
7/16/09: the palm is archontophoenix alexandrae.

Canby raspberries.

Misty blueberries.

O'Neal blueberries. I forgot which is which, but one of them is supposed to be more flavorful and the other is smaller and sweeter. Having two is nice since they can cross-pollinate, something blueberries need.

A pepper plant. (I think.)

Beefsteak tomatoes (indeterminate). Staking is good.

Another pepper plant or maybe eggplant? I'm not too sure.

Future site of raspberry bushes.

And just because. Rabbits.
Just for clarification, the peppers (I think) are indeed red bell peppers. They are growing very slowly partially because of poor soil conditions and partially because...they are peppers (I think)